From the letter to the telegram and from the fax to the digital age. Nowadays there are too many ways to contact customers thanks to the internet and the different programs that exist. What was previously new with Facebook and WhatsApp, has become a sea of options where the chatbot for WhatsApp and stand out. We know it's difficult to choose between those three particular options, especially when today consumers are the ones driving care decisions, basically they choose. But do not worry. In this article we will talk about all three so that you can choose the best option for your business. Are they good for achieving conversion.
Should I keep all of them or just one? Let's find out! Let's start with chatbots! chatbot bot for WhatsApp We all agree with prioritizing immediacy in customer service, regardless of the channel. But, when we propose to businesses to expand CU Leads their contact channels to achieve this, they usually respond: “We already offer service through email, social networks, and the web. Why add another one?” If you feel the same, nothing happens. While you prepare/convince yourself to take the next step, you can achieve optimal customer service by enhancing the channels you already have, with a hub of tools specialized in customer service, including: the web chatbot.

This tool will be an all-in-one, you will be able to offer live and automated service, from a comfortable, reliable and well-known channel such as your online page. To understand its value, think about the fact that many customers will have entered your website without knowing how to navigate it or will have left with questions about something they couldn't find. That will not happen with a chatbot, since the customer will be accompanied by your agents through a chat that will greet them as soon as they enter your site. That will double your chance of conversions – chatbots can achieve conversion rates of up to.