That is, Google knows very well that in order to deliver relevant information that satisfies the user's search intention, it must divide its domain corresponding to each country, to allow localized searches. And well, with this information learned and mastered, today we have very deep research processes. We take into account the needs of people by region, and thanks to this, we are managing to contact almost 3 million users through our blog in Spanish, between Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Spain, Peru and other Spanish-speaking countries. Google is allowing us to position well in all these domains, due to the education we provide and the localized relevance with which we build our content for the Latin American market.
Lesson 3: You must invest in the right technology for Google Working Loan Phone Number List with SEO and content production never takes a break. And mixed with internationalization issues, yes, even less so. Rock's international problems were not solved just with the correct localization of the content and the interpretation of the user's search intention. The problems began again after a year of peace, when we decided to do a domain migration, in order to have our efforts from Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Colombia, among others, in one place. And in this migration, we made a new mistake: we ignored geographical distances. The Internet has sold us the false idea that geographical barriers no longer exist, due to rapid communication with the entire world.

We have already seen that regional linguistics are quite present throughout Google and this does represent a barrier for those who do not know; but they never mentioned to us, openly, how a geographical distance could really hurt our entire SEO. The truth is this: from Mexico to Brazil it took us 13 hours of direct flight (13 hours because I will not count the layover time at airports). From Brazil to Argentina, we would take perhaps a 3-hour flight. It is obvious that on the Internet we will never take 3 or 13 hours to reach these destinations, but what is true is that for Argentina it takes us a certain number of milliseconds to arrive, and for Mexico, a few more milliseconds. This is very abstract, but it is as true as it is important not to ignore it.