AdWords industry benchmark CPCsOther examples from our site:What’s a good conversion rate?What’s a good click-through rate for each ad position?Examples for other niches:If you’re in the healthcare or fitness industry: “What’s a good body fat percentage?”If you’re in automotive services: “What’s a good gas mileage (for different types of cars)?”If you’re in career or educational services: “What’s a good signing bonus?”Question type And2: How to [increase/improve] [benchmark/metric]?Once you’ve provided an answer to question type And1, you can go one step further and tell your audience how to increase, improve, or reduce that benchmark.
Obviously, once someone finds out that they’re not performing quite up to snuff, they’re going to need advice Greece WhatsApp Number Data on how to get better.As always, remember to provide deep, actionable advice that’s better than what’s already out there. Give people a reason to click on your site instead of one of those dumb wikiHow articles.how to find question keywordsWow, no wonder I’ve got insomnia! I’ve been trying to sleep standing up in a full tux.Examples from our site:How to reduce your bounce rateHow to increase traffic to your websiteHow to increase online salesHow to raise organic CTRExamples for other niches:If you’re in the green building or energy industry.

“How to reduce my electric/gas bill?”If you’re in the healthcare or fitness industry: “How to increase muscle mass?”If you’re in the email marketing industry: “How to increase open rate?”Question type And3: How to find X?One of our oldest blog posts that still gets a ton of traffic is called “How to Find Anyone’s Email Address.” Whatever your industry, you should be able to identify things that your target audience is looking for. Even if you don’t sell exactly what they’re looking for, helping them find what they need is going to create goodwill and good branding.seo for question keywordsOther examples from our site:How to find your old tweetsHow to find long-tail keywordsExamples for other niches:If you’re a web design or marketing agency.