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writeraccess-free-trial Where to Hire Freelancers If you’re a business owner or marketing professional looking for assistance with your ongoing workload, the right freelancers can be incredibly helpful, especially as your business grows. Here are some key places to Canada WhatsApp Number Data meet the best talent for your needs. LinkedIn Many freelancers maintain detailed profiles and presences on LinkedIn, so it’s an excellent place to find talent for specific projects, long-term partnerships, and more. Upwork Upwork is a massive online marketplace where many different types of clients and freelancers come together to connect.

You can evaluate your options by checking out performance reviews or portfolios, interviewing candidates you’re interested in, and more. Fiverr Fiverr is another popular online platform where companies can go to hire a wide variety of different freelancers – everyone from artists, to copywriters, to voiceover artists, and more. It’s especially great for finding inexpensive talent for one-off projects.