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Altihay joins forces with seventy teachers to eradicate LGBTphobia in the cla...









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發表於 2024-3-9 13:57:29 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

Alva Valdivia, coordinator and head of the education area at Altihay Fuerteventura, shows her satisfaction for this second day to provide tools to the educational community. Altihay has teamed up with seventy teachers to eradicate LGBTIphobia in the classrooms of Fuerteventura, an experience that Alva Valdivia, coordinator and head of the organization's education area, values ​​as "enriching" in this its second year. Standardized comments The experience was developed during two days of training to generate strategies and end this type of discrimination, because there are still normalized modalities and comments among minors, expressions that "do a lot of harm to people." Work day by day Valdivia highlights that there are still many resources needed to continue advancing in equality, so that it is not something specific that is celebrated on specific dates, but rather that work is done day by day "so that the entire population knows that this reality exists." . Remember the permanence of discrimination such as the fact that the trans community suffers up to eighty percent unemployment.

The vice president of the Cabildo, Lope Afonso, and the counselor of the Primary Sector, Valentín González, held a meeting with agricultural organizations, in which they did not rule out the need to declare a water emergency on the island. The Cabildo of Tenerife will promote fourteen urgent actions, with the desire to mitigate the serious consequences that the climate crisis will have Europe Mobile Number List for the island's agriculture, especially facing this summer. The vice president of the Cabildo, Lope Afonso, and the counselor of the Primary Sector, Valentín González, held a meeting last Tuesday with representatives of the main agricultural organizations of Tenerife (COAG, ASAGA, ASOCAN and UPA Canarias), with the intention of "addressing the situation of water crisis in which we find ourselves, with the aim of seeking solutions, jointly with the sector, to the consequences that the drought will have for the Tenerife countryside this year", which according to the data offered by the AEMET is the warmest in the historical series.

Reserves below ten percent Added to this fact is the fact that the water reserve levels this summer were below 10%, and currently, they are around 40%, an amount that is insufficient to face the summer for the sector. agricultural. The actions that will be promoted by the Cabildo will focus on improving water distribution networks for irrigation, works to improve the quality of water in certain areas, promoting desalination and regenerated water as alternatives to the lack of water from galleries. and wells (conventional resources) produced by the lack of rain. Hawa Touré, founder of the sociocultural association of Mauritanian women Dimbe, points out that, little by little, awareness of the risk is permeating the women themselves. The sociocultural association of Mauritanian women Dimbe has reported that in the Canary Islands there are 4,500 girls and women who have suffered female genital mutilation or are at risk of suffering from it. According to Hawa Touré, founder of the organization, this is something that is very difficult to fight against, "but little by little people are being trained in the harmful nature of this practice," which causes the death of quite a few women.


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