This law seeks that the digital transformation be inclusive and sustainable and promote a production model based on research, development and innovation and that, therefore, can offer differentiated products and services that facilitate or improve social, economic, environmental or cultural processes. The new regulatory framework aims to facilitate the development in spain of a startup ecosystem around some urban centers that act as pole of attraction of talent, capital and entrepreneurs and it must be one of the engines of recovery and modernization of the spanish economy in the 2030 horizon. The norm is included in the agenda spain digital 2025 and aims to promote the creation and growth of emerging technology-based companies with a differentiated treatment compared to companies with a conventional business model.
This law will be complemented with the measures provided Italy Telegram Number Data for in the future law of business creation and growth aimed at improving the quality of training and the business climate, favoring efficiency and productivity throughout the entire business creation, growth and restructuring cycle. The standard defines a startup as a newly created company or less than five years old (7 years for companies linked to the biotechnology, energy, industrial sectors or other strategic sectors that have designed their own technology entirely in spain). The startup it must have an annual business volume of less than five million euros, be innovative and not listed on the market or received profits.

The main legal and economic advantages of digital start-ups will be, among others, the following: the reduction of corporation tax during its first 4 years of existence of up to 15%; emerging companies may be established in spain for one euro and by telematic means; the fees are free with respect to notaries and registrars in the process of incorporation of a limited company; the maximum deduction base for investment in startups it will be from 60.000 to 100.000 euros per year and the deduction rate will be 50%; non-resident investors will only have to present their tax identification number (nif); the double contribution to social security is eliminated for three years in the caso of pluriactivity for entrepreneurs who work simultaneously for another company; the attraction of foreign talent / entrepreneurs, expatriates and international teleworkers or digital nomads who arrive, reside and work in spain, who will enjoy a special visa for five years and will be able to benefit from a special tax regime paying non-resident income tax for eleven years.