This application is very interesting because it tells us the combinations of keywords most searched on Google based on a term that I indicate. SEMrush . If you have been following me for a while you will know that I am a total fan of this great tool and that in this case we are going to use it in ways: To analyze other bloggers and see which terms their blog is getting the most visits. To analyze the traffic and degree of competition that a specific keyword obtains. Tip : Since years ago I began to be interested in the world of SEO, I have seen on countless occasions how they announced the end of Search Engine Optimization , but as we can see in the trend graph it is something that does not go out of fashion and continues to remain one of the the main strategies to increase visits to a blog.
I leave you a complete SEO On Page guide so you can learn Czech Republic Phone Number List everything you need to position your Blog articles in the Google search engine, but I will tell you very important aspects such as: Place the keyword in the Meta Title and as far to the left as possible. Use a good meta description and capture the user's attention to increase CTR . Insert the keyword into the url and always use a friendly format. Insert the keyword at the beginning and end of the content, as well as in the H, H, H headings. The length of the content is recommended to exceed words.

Tip : Bet on the quality of the content Writing quality content is one of the best promotion strategies for your Blog, do not make a mistake in choosing a greater quantity of publication, to the detriment of the quality of your posts. The formula is very simple: Quality content = Value content + Useful content There are those who think that quality content has to be long but this is not the case, it will depend a lot on the type of content whether it has one length or another.