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Remarketing Resurgence: Strategies to Reconnect and Convert Interested Audiences









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-2-20 14:55:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Hope", as a word with beautiful meaning, is the core emotional expression of the brand and the blessing sent by the brand during the graduation season; "make progress" is the brand's encouragement to graduates. In the film, Haowangshui’s products Wangmeihao, Wangxingfu and Wangtaohua also serve as the examiner’s recognition of the graduates, giving them a “progress” seal certification. After watching the graduation season advertisements of brands, graduation does not seem to be a sad thing. Whether it is delivering the platform's major promotions or gaining emotional resonance through music, brands not only send blessings to graduates, but also spare no effort to build the minds of consumers. If we say goodbye now, we will happily meet again in the future. TOP would also like to wish all graduates: Happy graduation and a bright future! Author: TOP Jun Source Public Account: TopMarketing (ID: TMarketing), playing Marketing, Top is a kind of belief - TopMarketing.Category is the foundation and ceiling of business. In a declining industry, you cannot escape. The fundamentals of a category determine to a large extent the probability of success or failure. Think of business as a semantic tree. Before going into the details or branches, you must understand the basic principles. The small opportunity in the big track is to understand the basic principles of category and differentiation. Otherwise, there will be nothing to cling to in the details and leaves.

The underlying logic of unchanged categories is that the value of matching customer needs remains unchanged - categories match needs, consumers think in terms of categories and express them with brands - a bottle of Coke, some Starbucks, or a drop of DiDi. Coke=Coca-Cola, Starbucks=coffee, Didi=taxi-hailing. Brands occupying (representing) categories are the shortest way to capture the underlying needs of consumers. The brand is the tip of the iceberg, and the category is the entire iceberg - only by understanding the category can you better understand the business. The power of "differentiation" makes the world rich and colorful. Everything in the world India Car Owner Phone Number List originates from "differentiation", and "differentiation" is an inevitable trend in the development of species. "The Origin of Species". Three logics: Category is not the cause, but the result. The value of business lies in brand = category. The faster the equation is drawn, the more valuable it is. Innovative subdivision of categories is the crudest and most direct way to express differentiation. 5. Brand moat model Traffic occupies the channel, and the brand occupies the hearts of the people. The essence of traffic is buying and selling (buying and selling goods). Only when consumers are willing to pay a premium and pay for the brand can the company have a real moat.

This is also true. In terms of product dimensions, with the same functions and categories, once consumers’ minds are saturated, it will be difficult for you to enter again. In the field of marketing psychology, there is a concept that users can only remember seven brands in a category. In the current era of explosive media information, products are not competing products, but the competition for attention itself is. Attention comes first from the needs of the category, secondly from the presentation of media + traffic + content, and thirdly from the choice of the brand. Need-search-interest-comparison-choose-purchase-evaluate-share-repurchase. 6. Business War Model Most of the strong brands were created in the early stages of the rise of the category. The advantage of becoming the number one brand with its own halo comes first from the cognitive advantage. The opportunities left for the second and third place lie in discovery, creation, and objective choices (offensive warfare, defensive warfare, flanking warfare, and guerrilla warfare) made by combining cognitive advantages and corporate strength. Battlefield (creating cognitive advantages), theater (focusing on advantageous resources), battle situation (brand differentiation strategy), and battle situation (grasping the trend of category differentiation). Based on the superior cognition and the strength of the enterprise, the choice of war zone is determined by the first battle. As the saying goes: if you know the place and the day of war, you can fight thousands of miles - Sun Tzu's Art of War.


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