Recent pages as quickly as possible, any URLs we haven't crawled before will be given higher priority. Each page has its own hash code that helps us prioritize crawling unique content. We take into account the frequency of new links generated on the source page. We take into account the authority score of a page and a domain. How the queue has been improved With more factors they filter out unnecessary links. With more exclusive and high quality pages thanks to the new quality control algorithms. Trackers Our trackers follow internal and external links on the internet in search of newIn order to say that we are the fastest, we carried out a study in two parts.
The first part was a race to find out which backlink tool, among the industry-leading competitors, would find a new link the fastest and most frequently. To do this we use a random sample of , URLs. In the second part, we pay India Phone Number attention to how long it takes for Semrush and other tools to find exactly a new link and report it in the interface. For this second step we use RSS feeds. And thus have parts of the web with a large amount of traffic to see the publication time of an article. Part Who discovers backlinks first: Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz or Majestic? First, we look at a random example of URLs provided by a third-party provider - Normal Crawl .

The question we intended to answer was: Using data from Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz and Majestic, which tool identifies new links to these URLs first? We received a random example of over , URLs from Common Crawl. For each URL, we measure the time until the link was first discovered by Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz and Majestic We calculate the number and percentage of cases in which each data provider found a backlink at least one day before the rest of the providers If two data providers find the same backlink on the same day,