Jorge Fernández Díaz already anticipated it in the Senate last week: the so that no ETA prisoner released due to the end of the Parot doctrine would receive money from the State. The words of the Minister of the Interior have not remained a mere announcement, and the Executive is already working on this 'anti-subsidy' plan for ETA . As El Confidencial Digital has learned , Fernández Díaz himself , Cristóbal Montoro and Fátima Báñez have already held talks to extend this plan to their three ministries. In the Council of Ministers last Friday, the three agreed to hold inter-ministerial meetings to carry out a common report that puts in black and white the restrictions on public aid to released ETA prisoners . Legal fit is being sought so that the plan is legal After the words of the Minister of the Interior in the Senate, a debate has been generated about the legality of eliminating public benefits for ETA prisoners. The government sources consulted by this newspaper explain that it is impossible that some state aid, common to all Spaniards, cannot be received by terrorists. Therefore, the objective is to “reduce as much as possible” these “subsidies” from the State . From the Interior they explain that, today, in the meetings that are being held in the ministry, "they are working on the legal fit that will be given to this strategy." To this end, legal advisors are being consulted who will be the ones who put black and white on the report that the Government will present.
Ministry spokespersons confirm that Jorge Fernández Díaz is leading this plan, so "he Phone Number List will soon call meetings with Employment and the Treasury to see what items can be cut for the ETA members." [OBJECT] There will be no compensation and unemployment and housing benefits will be minimal Although it is still too early to know the public aid that will be reduced for ETA prisoners who are released due to the repeal of the Parot doctrine, the sources consulted by ECD point out those that the Government can 'touch' more easily. In the Ministry of the Interior they take it for granted that no ETA member will receive any compensation for the 'extra' years they have spent in prison when the doctrine repealed by Strasbourg is applied to them: "We must remember that all of them have a financial sentence that they have not yet paid , so nothing will be paid to them until they pay.” Employment, for its part, insists that the unemployment benefit that the terrorists will receive will be “the smallest possible.” As a legal argument, “the objective fact that they have been outside the labor market and therefore have not looked for work can be applied.” Furthermore, “ the unemployment that some had before entering prison can be counted .” In the case of the Treasury , the sources consulted point out that housing benefits are those that can be reduced or eliminated most easily.In the midst of the diplomatic conflict between Spain and Gibraltar, with accusations exchanged between both governments, a British MEP has asked the European Commission if the complaints made about the colony are “founded.” In Commissioner Barnier's response, he ensures that the Rock complies with the law on tax matters.

As El Confidencial Digital has learned , the question to the Commission was asked in writing on September 10. Its author is the British MEP Sir Graham Watson , of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. In his writing, Watson questioned whether the Commission had ever received a substantiated complaint regarding Gibraltar's alleged failure to provide and exchange information, as well as its failure to pursue tax crimes such as money laundering in the colony. Well, this newspaper has been able to confirm that the European organization has already responded, recently, to these questions. The person in charge was the Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier. The sources consulted by ECD explain that Commissioner Barnier has assured, in his written response, that “to date the Commission has not received complaints that meet the description” provided by MEP Watson. Furthermore, the head of the Internal Market and Services recalled that there are European directives on information and mutual coverage in tax matters and money laundering in circulation, and all of them are followed by the Rock. Specifically, Barnier states that “Gibraltar has incorporated the relevant matters regarding tax matters and money laundering. There is no violation .