Do the GBP's name, address, and phone number match the NAP information on the website?
Next, check to see if the NAP (name, address, phone number) on your and your competitor’s sites exactly matches what’s on the Google Business Profile. Little contrasts like "street" and "st." Regardless, differences in a business name, street address, or phone number can make Google feel less "confident" about the company's identity, potentially reducing its visibility.
Here we dive into the many powerful aspects of reviews to populate rows 15-21 of the table.
When you're looking for spam, take a few minutes to dig deeper. Look at all the listings between you and your top competitors in Local Finder and make a basic estimate of the percentage that contains obvious spam tactics. If you've never done this before, read my ecuador whatsapp data column "Simple Anti-Spam: The Easiest Local Ranking You'll Ever Get." While this exercise doesn't directly measure the distance between your business and its key competitors, it can estimate the hurdles you'll need to overcome to move up in local search rankings.
DA, PA and linksTo find out how old your Google business profile is, start by looking at the oldest reviews. It’s debatable whether listing age is a factor in local rankings, but it’s undeniable that older listings have had more time to accumulate reviews, photos, and other important elements.