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An hour later The Soul Peanuts took to the stage









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well as through their own compositions on the same musical paths., stirring up the audience with their unrestrained sound in a live set with original tracks that moved between Boogaloo and 60's RnB and jazz-funk compositions of classic organ shapes (such as Dr. Lonnie Smith, Jimmy Smith etc.). Friday July 31st The 4th day of Our Festival brought a purely theatrical flavor. At 17:30 Sotiris Doubris implemented the first part of the workshop "Acting and given conditions", investigating how the way we act is affected by the conditions given to us by the play and the author.

At 20:30 the group MayBe A Company presented the comedy show "Trés sure". Two very special clowns gave us an unprecedented  Mauritius Email List spectacle in their attempt to clear the stage. An attempt that ended in absolute failure but made young and old viewers laugh their hearts out. The evening ended with the HashArt Theater Group, who introduced us through the performance "Antigone - this at least I can do" her own version of Antigone, a heroine who is tragic not because she will die but because she does not have the power to change the course of events, a woman who rebels against a world that does not let her to live humanly. Saturday August 1st

Our Festival 6 welcomed August with theater and dance. The afternoon program of the festival opened with the second and last part of the workshop "Acting and given circumstances" by Sotiris Douvris in the cool area of ​​the canteen under the foliage. On the main stage, at 21:00, Demi Papathanasiou presented her moving and more current than ever dance performance "[New] horizons". Immediately after, Zoi Efstathiou and Themis Hatzi explored the function of the Other and the importance of his presence in the search for personal independence through the project "We find each other in the plenum".


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