parts ofa more complete structure. So you don’t need to cram everything into onelesson. For example, if you want to train employees about cybersecurityprotocols, you can break this down into three separate modules—one for BYODpolicies, another for password management, and a third for breach protocols.Each module is completely independent of the other topics within the broaderscope of cybersecurity. An employee doesn’t need to understand password policiesto complete the module on breach protocols. But each of these is a key objectivewithin the big Jiangxi Mobile Phone Number List picture of cybersecurity training. Step 2 – Define Successneeds to have its own definition of “success”or “completion.” This can vary depending on the type of training. For example,success for new hire onboarding may simply require an employee to watch a setof videos and consume content within a slideshow. The act of
watchingthe video to completion and clicking the “next” button after each slide may beenough for this. Then you could collect a signature from the employee thatacknowledges they’ve read all of the policies and understand what’s expected ofthem in the workplace. But success for using a particular piece of software orobtaining credentials may look very different. For these types of trainingmodules, the employee may need to take a quiz, test, or exam and get a passing