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This would undoubtedly be serious









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發表於 2024-3-13 13:34:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
But what questions to ask an agency and what answers to expect? Can you guarantee results? Anyone who tells us they can guarantee  position on search engines is either lying or doing something shady and dangerous, which will soon backfire on our website and ours. A serious and reliable SEO agency offers a personalized strategy based on our needs and, above all, on our objectives, clarifying from the outset which ones might be too ambitious. The best answer to this question should be: “No one can guarantee results, but we can work together, studying the market and the competition, to understand how we can launch a profitable strategy”. Do you outsource some services? In this case the best answer should be: “No, we don't outsource anything”. However, it may happen that an agency collaborates with companies for different types of activities: very often it outsources repetitive or extremely complex tasks (for example, the programming or maintenance of a website) or services that it would not be able to offer while maintaining the same quality compared to its core business.

Outsourcing is never a problem when it is approached wisely, but it can cause greater complexity of the processes or even a loss of quality when the external supplier is not up to par. For this reason, when we learn that some services are outsourced, we must inform ourselves in depth about the following aspects: Strategy. It may be that the agency with which we have started relationships does not have the know-how to apply a complete Agent Email List strategy independently. ; Supplier. Are we given the name of the company to which certain tasks are delegated? If yes, is it reliable? Collaboration. Could there be slowdowns in the strategy due to the outsourcing of some activities? Obviously, dealing with a company that already does everything itself is a decidedly quicker process than having to wait for the supplier's response. Do you work with companies that could be my competitors? Unlike what happens in the traditional market, which normally falls within well-defined geographical boundaries, with it you can reach an audience from all over the world.

Precisely for this reason, the levels of competition could be unbalanced and a company that, due to geographical distance, has never been considered our "competitor" could become one in the online environment. It is preferable to avoid collaborating with SEO agencies that have already started an optimization process for companies closely related to our core business to avoid the risk of creating conflicts of interest. Let's try to imagine having to "fight" for the position with a company that has the same supplier as us: it would be really difficult for the agency to feel motivated to optimize the strategy, especially if our competitor provides a larger budget higher than ours. The ideal answer to the question: “Do you collaborate with competing companies?” it should therefore be: "No, we work with companies located in similar contexts, but which could not be considered your close competitors and which, therefore, will not interfere with the progress of the strategy".


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