Content plan and calendar develop a content calendar when blogging for businessBefore you begin, you should develop a content plan and calendar. Ideally, this will be a complete plan for the content you will develop over the next months, with specific topics, keywords, associated campaigns, deadlines, etc. Track your blog content in an Excel spreadsheet, Google Doc, or some other method so you know what youve already written to help you organize and influence future content decisions. Remember, consistency is key to building an audience. You shouldnt go a month without posting anything and suddenly come out with blog posts.
Also take into account dissemination through social networks and email. The Bulgaria Phone Number List more touchpoints you develop with your audience, the more likely you are to earn their trust. CalltoAction prospects on next steps. will leave your prospects with nowhere to go They will read the post, leave, and your business wont have gained anything. Every post you write should include a CallToAction CTA, such as a newsletter signup, a landing page form, or a product demopurchase, and the CTA should be relevant to the stage of the buyers journey. where your prospects are located.
For example, an educational publication should not direct readers to purchase a product Chances are the reader is still researching a problem or need and isnt ready to buy yet. Therefore, your CTA will want to present the next steps to take, such as Download a related ebook that offers more information on the topic. Capturing customer information through CTAs is one of the main objectives of a business blog. Content Team You can always outsource your Marketing department to experts, but many companies choose to have an inhouse team or content specialist. Your content specialist should have knowledge of these SEO practices and be able to think about content from a strategic point of view.