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And now you have some tasty torrijas to lick your fingers! fried









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Milk fried milk Source: Flickr/juantiagues CC BY-SA 2.0 Another of the typical desserts of Holy Week is also a useful recipe , like torrijas. We are referring to fried milk , which in the north of Spain is a classic among desserts. It is very easy to prepare, although it is also very laborious, for which you only need milk, eggs and flour. If you want it to be very tasty, infuse 300 milliliters of milk with 80 grams of sugar , lemon peel and cinnamon. Bring to a boil and then turn off the heat and cover for a quarter of an hour. In another 100 milliliters of cold milk, dissolve 35 grams of cornstarch and add it to the previous mixture. Then put the saucepan back on the heat to low and keep stirring. After 20 minutes, let it cool, covered with kitchen film, in the refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours. Then, cut the cream into equal portions, coat them in flour and beaten egg and fry them in hot oil until golden brown. Let them drain on absorbent paper and then sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon powder. And you will have the perfect fried milk ready for those with a sweet tooth.

If you feel like it, you can also prepare an infusion or juice instead of milk. Furthermore, among the different recipes for homemade cakes you will find those that are lighter, such as the traditional lemon and yogurt cake , and others that are more caloric, such as those that include cream or condensed milk among their ingredients.Let everything marinate together for a quarter of an hour so that they take in all the flavor. Then, spread the cream cheese on the bread , preferably freshly toasted , and Telegram Users Number List spread the previous mixture on top. As a final touch, add a few drops of Modena vinegar. Cup of strawberries with cream and sponge cake strawberry cup Source: Pixabay/vait_mcright But among all the healthy recipes with strawberries, we cannot forget some for special occasions, such as the strawberry cup with cream and sponge cake , although the cream, if you feel like it more and the weather is good, you can replace it with ice cream.

Rice with turmeric and vegetables rice Source: Pixabay/balourirajesh Rice with turmeric is another of those simple, healthy and economical recipes that will get you out of more of a bind, and it also contains turmeric. For two people you need 1 small cup of long grain rice, although you can also use any other type, 1 carrot , 1 ripe tomato , 1 leek, 1 can of piquillo peppers, 1 bay leaf , 1 vegetable broth cube, 1 teaspoon of turmeric , salt, extra virgin olive oil and water. Pour a little olive oil into a saucepan and sauté the rice a little before adding water according to the manufacturer's instructions, which you can see on the packaging. Normally it is a cup and a half of water per cup of rice. Then add the stock cube, turmeric, bay leaf and salt, and then let it cook for about 20 minutes. On the other hand, sauté the finely chopped leek and carrot in a pan , grate the zucchini and tomato and add all the vegetables to the rice. Mix carefully and remove. You can change the vegetables for the ones you like the most, or even simply serve the curried rice without them as an accompaniment to meats. A recipe that is always a success. Greek yogurt with turmeric, lemon an.


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