Identify the keyword phrases you want to gain the most local visibility for. You can perform this workflow for each key search phrase, but start with one phrase first to become familiar with the process. Enter your keyword phrase in the box at the top of the spreadsheet.
Google the phrase and click on the local package to be taken to full local search results, known as the Local Finder. If you are conducting this audit on behalf of a client, ask them to search for and send the data.
Enter a business name and address that appears at the top of local search engines for free (ignore any paid advertising).
Scroll through the local finder until you see your business. Write its location below.
Now repeat this process to search and take notes in different finland whatsapp data locations around your town or city. This way you get multi-sample data. Because Google personalizes search results based on your device's location, you may see rankings change based on your location. You can go to one, two, or more other locations, depending on your community size and competitive goals.
At the end of this process, you will have a list of competitors from which you can identify the dominant players. You can conduct a competitive audit of each of your major local competitors, but first, simply select the competitor you see most frequently in your Local Finder location.
Finally, enter the status, name, and address of the business you are marketing into the first three fields of the spreadsheet.