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The answer lies within our neurons, which are activated by storytelling. Stories literally light up our brains, with neurons firing electrical impulses, promoting wiring and helping us better recall information. Stories also trigger the release of certain chemicals: oxytocin, which helps us bond with others and form connections; cortisol, the stress hormone that results from adrenaline, sharpening our attention; and dopamine, when we get our happy ending. Not only do stories intellectually and emotionally engage us, but they also physically affect us.

Thanks to mirror neurons, the more engaged we become in a story, the more we put ourselves in the characters’ shoes. Instead of merely observing as an outsider, we literally feel as if we are part of the action. Putting the customer experience front and center is about philippines photo editor making your brand more human and relatable while building relationships—and story offers the best avenue through which to do so. Story Elements Within Marketing How can the basic elements of a story make your marketing stronger? Let’s walk through each to explore.

How they can help your audiences connect more deeply to the product or service you’re providing. Character Great stories begin and end with characters. When most people think of the elements of storytelling, the first thing that comes to mind is often plot—or what happens in a story. But the truth is that the plot would feel meaningless without the characters who drive it. Characters give us someone to root for and relate to. In fiction, the main character is generally the hero of the story. We support them in going after what they want, bite our nails.


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