Personalized to your analysis needs of course, it means the configuration is correct and you can continue creating tags. Create transaction labels in the panel. To implement e-commerce using Tag Manager you must select the tag. Implementing eCommerce using Tag Manager You can copy the tag settings from the screenshot. When you choose to set up a variable using Tag Manager for Ecommerce, it's a good idea to create a variable.
To store the tracking. To do this, click New Variable Text . It can be downloaded from Settings Admin tab > Tracking information > Tracking code. Code downloaded this way should be pasted into variables. Implementing eCommerce using Tag Manager Save Job Function Email List Variables You should be returned to Tags view. Then you need to add a rule based on which the tag is triggered. To do this click on the rule selection and add a new rule with a blue plus sign in the upper right corner.
Implementing eCommerce using Tag Manager The code should be loaded before launching the code but to make sure you can select Element Available or Ready . To implement e-commerce using Tag Manager it is best to select Page Contains Conditions and enter in the right field the address of the only page that will be displayed when the order is confirmed. If you have other ways to verify order confirmation you can try other available variables they can be configured.