3 reasons to use WhatsApp to sell
本帖最後由 shetu22 於 2024-3-7 13:19 編輯Over the past few years, people's preferred methods of communication have changed significantly and digital transformation has played a key role in this context. From landlines and desktops, we move to mobile devices. And through them, we experience the infinite possibilities of applications. Messengers, then, came to considerably speed up and make communication cheaper. In Brazil, the highlight of the sector is WhatsApp . The easy usability and practicality meant that this app quickly spread to many areas of people's lives. In today's publication, you can see 3 reasons to use WhatsApp in your company to sell. Check out! 1. 80% of customer service organizations will ditch proprietary apps in favor of messaging apps by 2025 Despite the fact that many service providers invest considerable resources in marketing their service platforms, customers have been resistant to adopting these types of services more widely. That's why companies are shifting their attention from first-party mobile app experiences to text messaging experiences. As one of the most prestigious IT research and consulting companies, Gartner, noted, this is the future. Messaging software, from SMS to apps like Facebook Messenger, WeChat and WhatsApp, has seen massive acceptance in the international business community.
Gartner Senior Principal Analyst for the Customer Service and Support Practice, Philip Jenkins, adds that by moving to a messaging platform, messaging executives can increase productivity, reduce costs, promote self-service and digital effectiveness, as well as providing a more seamless user experience. According to Gartner, by 2025, 80% of organizations that offer customer support will transfer from their own messaging application to another in order to offer a better experience for their customers. And by 2025, a full 40% of companies in the customer service industry will make a profit thanks Industry Email List to their efforts to become the industry's true drivers of digital consumer engagement. The coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on customer habits. They’ve become even more eager to use the messaging apps they already know and love. One-third of all customers prefer not to interact with a salesperson, according to Gartner's Future of Sales report . For millennial consumers, however, the number rises to 44%. Service will transform from a cost center to a revenue generator as a result of the growing emphasis on relationships and the end-to-end customer experience.
Gartner points out in its analysis that the customer service department is more likely to deliver new business results thanks to the support of revised objectives, KPIs and organizational structureBrazilian smartphones have WhatsApp For the last seven years, every six months, Mobile Time and Opinion Box have carried out a study called Panorama to find out more about how Brazilians use the most popular messaging apps. The survey data confirmed WhatsApp's status as Brazil's preferred messaging app. The vast majority of mobile devices (99.2%) in the country already have the application loaded. The popularity of top messengers 99% WhatsApp 86% Instagram 70% Facebook Messenger 65% Telegram 12% Signal (% of the smartphone base that has each app installed) Furthermore, the proportion of WhatsApp users who use the app more regularly has increased by three percentage points in the last six months alone. When compared to other platforms, the messenger is used by the highest percentage of users (88%) on a daily basis. Instagram comes in a distant second with 67%, followed by Telegram with 28%, and then Signal with 17% and Facebook Messenger withThe frequency of use of the applications studied for reading and sending messages was used as a loyalty parameter. Likewise, 95% of respondents access WhatsApp daily or almost daily, putting it in the lead.