Therefore it is crucial that the company
customer is the reason the company exists and needs to occupy due importance in the commercial process. Centralizing the consumer's needs in the B2B sales process is fundamental to the success of the customer and, naturally, the company. and the employee understand how the buyer’s journey takes place. See below which steps are present throughout the sales process: 1. Discovery At this stage, as the name suggests, it is the moment when the customer discovers, whether through advertisements, social media, advertisements in general or even your company's blog, that your company.can provide the solution they are looking for. The Phone Number List objective of the discovery phase is to inform the public, especially your buyer persona , why your company exists and why it should be chosen to solve that customer's pain. 2. Education After recognizing the problem that must be solved, it is time to present solutions that will benefit your client. Here, many resources can be explored in addition to interacting with salespeople, but, firstly, it is essential to provide information that allows this customer to mature on the topic. This can be done through informative content, such as online events ,.
webinars, blogposts and product demonstrations . Always keep in mind that, at this stage, the objective is to relate the customer's need to the solution you offer. In addition to educating the customer, this step is important, as it has the potential to make your company an authority on that particular subject, doing an excellent job of accelerating sales. 3. Selection After going through the discovery and education stages, the customer already understands the impacts that not resolving their problem can have on their operation. Therefore, it is important for him to delve deeper into the subject and understand how.